DMOPC '23 December Contest

posted on Nov. 26, 2023, 4:32 p.m.

The contest is now finished! Special congrats to the top 5 contestants:

  1. Gennady
  2. kotatsugame
  3. ksun48
  4. maspy
  5. ecnerwal

Hope to see everyone again soon!

Hi everyone! The DMOPC is finally back for the 2023-2024 school year, kicking off with a contest scheduled for the beginning of December!

The contest will run from Friday, December 1st to Monday, December 4th (inclusive of both days).

Anyone with a DMOJ account is welcome to participate, and anyone without one is welcome to register and participate.

Contestants may participate in any 3-hour window between 00:00:00 ET of December 1st and 00:00:00 ET of December 5th.

Please see the contest page for more details.

Best of luck to all participants!


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