Editorial for Art Academy VII: A Mysterious Object

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Author: astrocat879

For the 10\% subtask, looping from 0 to K and checking if the number contains 10 as a subsequence passes. Make sure the number doesn't contain 100 as a subsequence.

For the remaining 90\%, we use dynamic programming.

The dp state should be dp[index][state][less].

  • index is between 0 and the number of digits in K. It represents which digit you are at in K.
  • state is either 0, 1, or 2. It represents zero previous occurrences of 1, a previous occurrence of 1, and a previous occurrence of a 1 and a 0, respectively.
  • less is either 0 or 1. It represents if the number being considered is currently less than K.

The transition is left as an exercise to the reader.


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