Olympiads Computing Competition '19 - Silver (Live Mirror)

This contest is a mirror of the silver division. The problems are around the difficulty of the CCC senior division.

The problem setters for this contest are zxyl, Plasmatic, Dormi and aeternalis1.

Parameters for the contest:

  • Contest duration: 3 hours.
  • Number of problems: 6. Each problem will be worth 100 points and have subtasks that offer partial credit.
  • Contest is not rated.
  • Scoreboard will be visible.
  • No submission limit.
  • Contest Format: IOI


Problem Points AC Rate Users
OCC '19 S1 - Floor Planning 3p 32.6% 61
OCC '19 S2 - Rimuru's Number Game 5 27.3% 402
OCC '19 S3 - NAN Language 7p 14.4% 31
OCC '19 S4 - Playing with Numbers 12p 12.0% 12
OCC '19 S5 - Partitioning 12p 8.2% 12
OCC '19 S6 - City Tolls 17p 26.1% 4


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